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Take Action Now: Stop WCB Abuse

“ To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men “ – Abraham Lincoln


Help us help you! Join the peaceful united assembly of concerned citizens for Injured Workers by occupation with their families whom WCB has continued to destroy financially, emotionally, and mentally but most of all physically.


Line the streets and gather your family and friends for a peaceful get-together with us. Those who have witnessed undo suffering which has been inflicted by WCB and their affiliated entities support Injured Workers.

Join lawsuit against fraudulent IME doctors and Case Managers sign up now

Make sure your voice and concerns are heard


Email: [email protected] with this information

1. Indicate your level of participation in what areas you can help make this Rally a success without causing harm to yourself, or others. Being there and lending support is participation that we need and considered a huge contribution.

Example: Promotion, Artwork, Stapling, Folding, Painting, Writing, Callbacks, Driving, Copying and funding for paint, banners, buttons, signage etc.

2. Name Your Abusive Case Managers or WCB Doctors so they can be named on signage

This includes, case managers, appeal body’s, supervisors, managers, DRDRB and most important fraudulent Doctors paid by WCB to give their biased opinions.

3. State your concerns and demands for our pamphlets/handbill/flyer

What laws need changing, reviewed, exposed or abolished

Examples: Public judicial inquiry, Case Managers resumes of medical knowledge, Doctors expertise, Government reform, ending WCB self regulation, MPO office review, Suicide of Injured Workers, Destruction of Injured Workers Families

4. Send us your acronyms to be screened on our buttons

Example: WCB stands for:

  • Why Canadians Bleed,
  • W. C. Bullies,
  • With Conscious Brutality
  • Workers Complete Betrayal
  • We Cover Business ass

It appears WCB operates with disregard for the law.

Expect the unexpected so: date and location cannot be disclosed Help us mount opposition before spring election.

Example: have fences and barricades locking us out, police force, scaring and intimidating tactics to shut us up etc.

Please be ready to join the Rally in support of injured workers make sure your name and detailed information is on our list to notify. There are 3 contingency plans to counter WCB reaction.

Unified we become a force to be reckoned with we cannot bring change alone. We need you out there to make a difference and receive justice and expose unethical, unlawful and inhumane behavior by WCB. If wheelchairs, walkers, beds, crutches, scooters etc accompany you, let us know how we can help. WCB likes to keep injured workers separate and in the dark so the injured workers think its only happening to them.

When we share, expose and stand together as a unified assembly it will clearly show how WCB operates with case managers, doctor’s diagnosis and recommendations over aggressive therapy.

How our injuries are all the same as well as WCB’s letters to deny? We the injured workers by occupation are JUST a claim number this pattern must be exposed. WCB’s system is broken there is no accountability, responsibility and transparency they are above the law. Their tactics are abuse and deny, degrade and deny, lie and deny. This is their only mandate.

We will stay until our demands our met. Please note the media will be there.

5. State if you have gone to your MLA, please inform us what has or has not been done for you, what you feel they should be doing. State the name and party of your MLA. Please send your information the public needs to know and we can verify that complaints have been submitted to your MLA.

What are your pre-election concerns about WCB?


  • Are you aware of someone starving and homeless because of denial of WCB benefits, while MLA’s are getting raises, why?
  • Why have they received votes when they continue to refuse to get involved in WCB’s policy or following procedures when they know it is part of the WC Act, which is legislated law?
  • Who is governing if its not government?
  • They are not arms length if they are receiving money but yet they turn a blind eye by not assisting injured workers by occupation.
  • WCB has the power to rule the government. We the people did not vote WCB into power.
  • Can you name other CEO’s working in non-profit environment making a 6-figure income like Guy Kerr.
  • WCB and government receive our money; employers and workers pay for this low level insurance WCB refuses to compensate legitimate claims with our own money.
  • The public is taxed so the injured workers live on AISH, Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped so that WCB can shirk their responsibilities. Please state if you’re in this predicament. We need to show these statistics to the public.
  • Why are the injured declared disabled by the provincial and federal government but not accepted or acknowledged by WCB?
  • Have you had numerous doctors all agree you’re injured and should receive benefits and medical treatment to which you’re entitled too. Yet WCB doctors, and case managers with no medical knowledge, disagree and decide to deny your claim?
  • What has your MLA done to support Doctors in Alberta?
  • Has your MLA looked into WCB’s constant denial of your treating doctors opinion?
  • Has your Doctor been intimidated by WCB?
  • Is your MLA, concerned doctors are leaving Alberta?
  • Do they know why doctors don’t want you as a patient if you’re a WCB case?
  • Why are they content to hear complaints and not intervene on our behalf?
  • Have they received letters from your doctors and not responded back?
  • Have they inquired on your behalf and identified a resolution for you?
  • Why has a criminal investigation not been launched by your MLA when it clearly shows abundance of evidence and a magnitude of complaints have been brought to their attention and are still not resolved.
  • Why has the provincial and federal government declared you permanently disabled and WCB states you are fit for work and continues to use abusive power to deny legitimate claims?
  • Is your MLA willing to take immediate action and address these concerns with Alison Redford?

6. Send your questions you feel need answered.

Example: Why does WCB need top-notch security? And a judge that puts murders, rapists, and thieves in jail has none. The judge’s decision is based on justice. WCB’s decision to deny is based on stealing our money insuring their bonus, causing torment and do not operate or seem to have a moral compass.

Why was security beefed up at Edmonton WCB? Why did the government not do an investigation to find out what would posses injured workers to take action like Patrick Clayton.

7. Please send your stories how WCB has affected your life. If you and your families life has been destroyed or devastated and have lost hope you need to expose it. You may write a speech if you want to be heard we will try to incorporate it.

If you can’t talk on a microphone we have some one who can speak for you.



Legal Case to prove Independent Medical Examinations (IME) favour WCB with their false, inaccurate, misleading, negligent, ambiguous exams and reports intended to contradict or discredit the diagnosis of injured workers Medical Physicians contrary to the WC Act:


151.1(1) No person shall, in connection with a claim for Compensation, (a) Knowingly provide false or misleading information to the Board.

Further to prove Alberta WCB IME’s tend to show a pattern of rejection on injured worker cases and bias favouring WCB. Case Managers use their authority to undermine treating Physicians. Medical consultants of WCB that have not examined you and are not familiar with your file go against your doctor’s diagnosis and treatments so that your doctor’s diagnosis is of no merit to your case.

Independent medical examiners are to be neutral, unbiased, and knowledgeable and considered expert in their field. We object to IME Doctor’s that are affiliated with WCB as they give a biased opinion favouring WCB.