
Welcome to the website of the Canadian Injured Workers Association of Alberta.

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News from Alberta will be updated on this main page. We also have news pages for B.C. and Ontario that are updated regularly.

The Canadian Injured Workers Association of Alberta would like to thank the Alberta Federation of Labour for their sponsorship of this website.

Even the doctor has had enough.

Injured workers don’t stand a chance to get medical care when the whole system is flawed. The WCB office clerk in charge of your medical care consistently makes the wrong medical opinion to deny desperately needed medical care, and has no boss to help change their unqualified medical decisions.

No one is watching.  The doctors don’t have time to advocate on behalf of the injured worker to teach the office clerk how to practice medicine in 20 seconds or less. Government and WCB refuses to provide oversight so these office clerks continue to abuse their power. The government should not allow office clerks to have this kind of medical and legal power without oversight. 


Important Articles for Albertans

WCB in Alberta still practices deeming Alberta workers into pretend jobs that don’t exist and which the workers would be too disabled to work at if these pretend jobs did exist in Alberta . Why don’t Alberta workers have people wanting to get involved to help their fellow Albertans to put a stop to the case managers (clerks) from treating Alberta’s workers carelessly by deeming them to work in pretend jobs, forcing them into poverty,  disabled from work injuries? The people in Ontario got involved.

This article is about the deeming of migrant farm workers: Despite Ontario workers’ compensation reforms, migrant workers are still being left behind

This second piece is the Montreal Manifesto on Precarious Work, Workforce Diversity, International Migration and Occupational Health and Safety (PDF).  This comes out of a gathering last year with a large contingent from Quebec.


– WCB representatives, lacking medical qualifications and legal training, are unlicensed to practice medicine or law, yet they wield absolute power to decide injured workers’ fate.

– Despite their lack of expertise, they create their own medical opinions and law, contradicting factual evidence and legislation, and deny compensation to injured workers.

– These unqualified representatives claim to be in charge, with absolute authority over injured workers’ claims, yet they have no apparent boss or oversight, raising questions about who grants them this power and why they are unaccountable.

– Injured workers are told that these representatives have the final say, with no possibility of escalation or review by a higher authority, despite being employed by a government organization that supposedly answers to the public.

– This lack of accountability and transparency allows them to make life-altering decisions without any checks or balances, leading to predictable errors and abuse of power.

– The  Workers Compensation ACT  requires the board to weigh all evidence and provide compensation entitlement based on medical probability, but unqualified clerks are allowed to ignore the existence of the WCA , prioritizing denial of compensation.

– If injured workers become unemployable, it’s a no-win situation, trapping them in a long-term cycle of denial and appeal, until they eventually succumb to their injuries or die waiting for justice.

In summary, it’s absurd to grant unqualified individuals the power to make critical medical and legal decisions, leading to a system where injured workers are denied rightful compensation, forced into poverty, and left to suffer. This systemic failure highlights the urgent need for reform and accountability within the WCB. Moreover, it is appalling that the people of Alberta  and organizations who are aware of this abuse have remained silent and inactive, allowing this injustice to persist.

About the Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta’s 2024 Annual General Meeting

Today’s (June 6, 2024) WCB AGM virtual meeting was a disappointing showcase of lip service to injured workers. Despite many of us preparing thoughtful questions, we were  denied the opportunity to ask them. Instead, only three pre-selected questions, mainly  from employers, were answered. The event was essentially a scripted speech by the CEO, with no genuine engagement or accountability.

When we called the provided phone number to seek answers, we  were redirected to the contact centre and only had the option to  speak with our case manager  – a clear evasion of responsibility. This charade of transparency and accountability is an insult to injured workers, who deserve real support and answers when they are denied compensation from their case manager and forced to seek assistance from  publicly supported programs . 

We continue to seek genuine engagement, transparent decision-making, and meaningful support from the WCB. It’s time for real change, not just empty promises.

Lawyers/Legal Help Wanted

Injured workers in Alberta face a daunting challenge in finding legal representation to navigate the complex workers’ compensation system. With legal aid and lawyer referral services unavailable for these cases, many are left to navigate the system alone. We urgently need lawyers specializing in workers’ compensation law to step forward and offer their expertise.

The struggles injured workers face include:

– Delayed or denied claims, leading to financial hardship and mental health struggles

– Navigating a complex system without proper support

– Lack of accountability and transparency within the WCB and AC

– Personal stories of struggle and resilience

If you are a lawyer willing to take on these cases or an injured worker who has found legal support, please share your story with us. Together, we can:

– Advocate for change and ensure injured workers receive the legal support they deserve

– Encourage legal professionals to specialize in workers’ compensation law

– Establish a legal clinic or resource dedicated to supporting injured workers in Alberta

Let’s unite to create a safer, more supportive system for injured workers. Share your experiences, recommendations, and ideas with us. Together, we can make a difference!”

Contact us here.

Recent media coverage supporting injured workers in other provinces. Alberta needs more media coverage on this topic.

Legislative amendments aim to improve benefits for injured workers

Ontario to change how it compensates injured migrant agricultural workers

Read the KMPG Value for Money Audit

To see activity and justice in another province look under News – Ontario. We apologize for no updates in Alberta regarding the WCB and Appeals Commission. There appears to be not much interest in workers dealing with injuries, homelessness, and death – it’s been frustrating to garner support.