Racketeering or RICO
By Gerald Yesterday I sent out an e-mail specific to the Appeals Commission denying requests to subpoena doctors and payment of conduct money. Interesting enough the Court of Queens Bench …
Racketeering or RICO Read MoreCanadian Injured Workers Association of Alberta
An Injury to One is An Injury to All
By Gerald Yesterday I sent out an e-mail specific to the Appeals Commission denying requests to subpoena doctors and payment of conduct money. Interesting enough the Court of Queens Bench …
Racketeering or RICO Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following link: http://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/investigations/2018/01/22/dueling-doctors-muddle-compensation-claims/1041800001/ Based upon my own research and reading articles like this, it is apparent that the workers compensation system is broken in all States …
Broken System Read MoreBy Gerald On Nov. 8 and 9th of 2016 we attended an in person hearing adjudicated by R. Fong who was the Hearing Chair, D. Jossa and J. McKenna who …
Impairment, Disability, and Loss of Earnings Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following link: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=522899A395324-C302-107C-BCF199961973BE25 While I have nothing against presumptive status for all workers, question is whether it is legal to provide presumptive status to one occupation …
Differential treatment Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following link: https://www.wcb.ab.ca/assets/pdfs/public/policy/Interim_Relief.pdf Contrary to what WCB suggests as a new policy, interim relief has been directed by the Courts (Patrus) and the Appeals Commission. WCB …
Interim relief Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following link: https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/01/08/1284967/0/en/WSIB-is-using-the-minimum-wage-to-cut-injured-worker-benefits-Government-must-step-in-to-prevent-disaster.html Questionable is whether Bill 30 will address this. At present it is the Government who enacted the WCA (Section 63 of the WCA) …
Deeming Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following link: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=5123898D391C7-03A8-57F2-509E8DF9611B2E7C Not meaning to trivialize what the Government and when I say Government I do not include the ordinary Albertans who had nothing to …
Government apologies Read MoreBy Gerald It is my understanding that the Fair Practices Office will assist workers every step of the way which would include expert representation throughout the appeals process and as …
Proposed changes Read MoreBy Gerald Click on the following links; https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/12/15/wsib-to-abolish-policy-that-slashed-benefits-for-thousands.html Little doubt that this is going to cost the Ontario WSIB billions of dollars to rehear long standing claims and then provide compensation …
Pre-existing medical conditions (Thin skull rule of law) Read MoreBy Gerald This is an article that is a good indicator of why the system does not work as it was intended to work. In an Inquiry-based system it is …
Long term claims Read More