Removing power from the Appeals Commission in New Brunswick

Check out the background of the Appeals Commission panel. The deck could be stacked – for example, ex case managers, lawyers that just work for Appeals Commission. How could a worker get justice? Many of them were appointed politically years and years ago. Could they be biased?

By Gerald

Click on the following link;

In New Brunswick, they give absolute power to the Appeals Commission and
when the Appeals Commission are doing their due diligence, the
Government and employers want to legislate changes to take away their
power. New Brunswick  has the highest rate of overturning WCB decisions
as opposed to the Alberta Appeals Commission who have the lowest rate of
overturning WCB decisions and is why New Brunswick employers pay more
than double than employers in Alberta, thus supporting Justice Friedman
that the Alberta appeals process is seriously flawed resulting in a
culture of denial.

If employers want their premiums reduced, the answer is very simple.
Introduce safe work practices so that when workers go to work in perfect
health, they should return home in perfect health. If not, then instead
of fining employers put them in jail, not give some Mickey Mouse fine. I
can assure any one if employers were incarcerated for any work injuries,
there would be very few accidents and premiums would be reduced.
Encouraging employers to create unsafe work environments by not coming
down on them severely create jobs for WCB personnel which is much like
our justice system, the more crime that occurs, the more jobs that are
created and maintained. Eliminate crime and there would be thousands of
unemployed lawyers, judges,police, etc.

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